Character creation


To create a range of characters for children based on creatures of the Jurassic coast, past and present. This included, two Ammonites, Ichthyosaur, Iguanodon, Plesiosaur, Seahorse, Sea Snail and Starfish. As the intention was to use these illustrations on a variety of items, in a variety of sizes it was advised to create the final designs as vector illustrations. This would mean they won’t be resolution based and could therefore be resized to any size without any loss of quality.
Firstly, loose sketches were created of each character.
Click any image below to enlarge

Final Illustrations

Once the pencil roughs were approved by the client, they were scanned in and they were developed into the final illustrations.
Click any image below to enlarge

They need to be be bright, cheerful and adaptable. The intention is to print them onto an assortment of merchandise, including clothing, mugs, drink bottles, coasters, notebooks, key rings etc.
Click any image below to enlarge

If you would like to find out more or discuss a project please get in touch here